11 June 2019
Into the Wild
by Alfies

Believe it not the labyrinthine corridors of Alfies are home to a host of weird and wonderful creatures from across the globe. We took a camera on our intrepid travels over our four floors to give you a glimpse of some of our favourite specimens…

bronze sculpture of a fish

Firstly, we passed this majestic sunfish- looking like he’s just emerged from the deep, he was actually hand produced in France during the 1960’s using a technique of hammered bronze. This creates a stunning patina that only improves with age. His stand is made from real ocean coral, probably sourced off the French coast.

bronze sunfish

Next, a rare sighting- a natural predator with his three cubs. This ceramic leopard was a popular 1960’s motif and probably dates from that period. Put him on your mantelpiece or use him as a door stop as a chic way to bring some sixties swagger to your interior.

ceramic leopard

Another big cat was ready to pounce just around the corner- a species of porcelain tiger native to Japan. He was produced in the 1930’s and unfortunately this exceptional breed is now exceedingly rare.


tiger ornament

Beside our Japanese tiger- a south Eastern Asian Elephant, displaying a raised trunk carved from the naturally quarried metamorphic rock known as soapstone, a 20th century collectable.


soapstone elephant

Our next turn took us past these Chinese peacocks, intricately hand painted on wood backed fabric in 1920’s China. An incredible survival given its delicacy, these vibrant birds adorn a four panelled screen edged with ormolu dragon fastenings.


And finally we arrived at this charming humble sparrow, crouched unassumingly at his stand. Made in England c1920, he is a silver plated pin cushion backed with blue velvet.


Credits: Sunfish- Travers Antiques , Leopard- Diplomat Treasures International, Elephant – Diplomat Treasures International, tiger- Diplomat Treasures International, Peacocks- Gloria Sinclair, Sparrow- Hayman & Hayman

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