Small Indigo Strip weave

Price: £250.00

In the French speaking countries of West Africa a pagne is a simple rectangular cloth that women wear wrapped around the waist or under the arms, providing a versatile everyday garment. Today they are mostly made from imported fabrics but in days gone by a great variety of locally woven blue and white cotton strip weave cloths were available. Despite similarities each piece is unique, with it’s own pattern of stripes and it’s own patina or wear and use over decades. On this cloth from the northern part of the Republic of Benin, dating from around 1950, the strips are stitched together using indigo hand spun thread and the cloth has a quite thick homespun texture. In excellent condition. Pleasing in itself as a throw or shawl, these cloths are also great for interiors uses such as pillows and upholstery.

Measurements 4’11” x 3’7″, 150 cm x 110.

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